Saturday, November 1, 2008

Idaho Proposition Would Give Fetuses The Right To Vote

"I'm fertilized and I vote!"

That's the message seen on bumper stickers all over Idaho, because Proposition Q on the Idaho state ballot would give fetuses the right to vote.

While laws in other states give fertilized eggs various forms of legal protection, this is the first time that they would enjoy the right to vote.

"We believe that fetuses are people, too," Diane Hendrickson, spokesperson for Idaho Voter Fetuses, or IVF, told a hastily assembled Boise news conference. "Just because you haven't been born yet doesn't mean you should be denied the right to vote."

Hendrickson said that physicians are "working on a test to determine the voting position of a fetus, based on how it lays in the uterus. So far, though, they all seem to be against abortion."

When asked by reporters whether the proposition granting fetuses voting rights was just simply a gimmick of the religious right to get Republican voters who aren't McCain supporters to the polls, Hendrickson offered a terse "no comment."

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