Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chinese Celebrate Olympics’ Close By Giving All Child Laborers Extra Minutes of Free Time

“It’s the least we can do,” Olympics organizer Lin Biau told a hastily assembled Beijing news conference. “The entire nation worked hard to make the Olympics a success. So we will all share in the success, including our beloved children.”

Mr. Lin said that children working in factories across China will receive one minute of free time for each year of their ages. Five year olds will receive five minutes of free time; six year olds, six minutes; and so on.

“China is a great and prosperous nation because everyone works so hard,” Mr. Lin said. “Today we honor all of the children who work so hard to help our nation create exports that the whole world buys. We say, let them all have a short break, depending on their age, and then they can go back to work.”

In honor of the Olympics, Mr. Lin said, Chinese child laborers will be permitted to perform an Olympic sport of their choice. “The benefit to our nation is that we may just identify Olympians of the future, without creating too much of a disruption of factory output.”

At the conclusion of the Games, Mr. Lin said, all losing competitors will be returned to the factories where they would have worked had not State resources been wasted on them.

“I am sure their fellow workers have criticism to share with them,” Mr. Lin said. “But only in a constructive way, of course."

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